Thursday 5 December 2013

Revision list.

Basement Scene. 
As a group we thought that a "basement" was to stereotypical, and so found a more suitable location. We have decided that an old abandoned caravan placed on the outskirts of the village is better, due to its eeriness and the fact it is openly there for people to walk past without realising what is going on inside. we felt this was equally as frightening if not more so due to the normality of the situation of the outside, which also reflects our plot. We thought that the caravan represents the characters hidden inside (Lewis and Mark) as abandoned and forgotten.

Cornfield Scene.
We no longer have access to a cornfield, however we have found a more suitable location in a woods near the asylum that we are using for exterior shots, which makes our trailer look more realistic as it is based alot around the same location.

trailer profile.

Gender: Male/ Female

Age Range: 18 -25

Class: Lower/Middle Class

Interests: Horror films, rock music, Comedies, Gore, Thrillers, outdoor activities, normally associate themselves with the rock subculture or enjoy the horror genre because of the fright factor or they are apart of the genre community

Animatic shooting schedule.

13th November - Opening prologue scene - 2 Hours

29th November - Mark's scene - 1 Hour

5th December - All remaining shots and scenes - 3 Hours

6th December - Any reshoots/Final shot face - 1 Hour

Animatic shooting schedule.

13th November - Opening prologue scene - 2 Hours

29th November - Mark's scene - 1 Hour

5th December - All remaining shots and scenes - 3 Hours

6th December - Any reshoots/Final shot face - 1 Hour