Wednesday 27 November 2013

Sunday 24 November 2013

Trailer posters.

Hide and seek.

Hard Candy.

Shutter island.

Paranormal Activity.
Identity thief. 

The Devil inside.

Thursday 21 November 2013

notes on narrative essay.

Village- small, isolated, follows conventions of a horror film, ominous, the swing significant, as a swing is associated with children, and as it eerily swings back and forth signifies the emptiness of the surroundings.
Knife/scalpel- dangerous, knife is a symbol of power and threat, normally used as a weapon in horror films therefore following conventions. Scalpel is scary as it is easily obtained, clinical, professional, and so therefore the fact someone is using it as a dangerous weapon signifies you cant trust anyone, and the idea of trust and not knowing who people really are is a key theme in our trailer. it contrasts with the idea that it is usually used to help people.
Blood- conventionally associated with horror, death and pain within the horror genre. It is also used to cause panic and can be used to create suspense or the bulid up to the break in the equilibrium.
Match/fire- again, is associated with danger, the fire and the match can easily cause panic and disruption.

The way the match is dropped in slow motion holds the suspense of the audience and creates a eerie atmosphere as you know the outcome is going to be bad. Typical edit used in any film genre to keep the audience in suspense and the build-up to the equilibrium breaking, as we see it breaking when people flee the building with a close up on people’s feet/legs, again asking the question who is who.
Shot reverse shot- typical camera edit, and we have used this in our trailer when the character mark is talking to himself, breaking the equilibrium as there is a sense something is wrong.
Sepia- we use this effect up until shot 13 to signify that up until this point, everything shown was in the past.
Point of view shot- we have used a point of view shot when the escaped patients are looking at the swing, which again signifies someone is watching but we don’t know who or how many people are watching, again holding the audience in suspense. They are also used to create a connection with the character as well as displaying the isolation and bareness of the village in the scene where they enter for the first time.
For our trailer we are going to use a gothic style when filming, with an emphasis on shadows, things lurking in the background to create a sense of unease and pending doom.

The beginning of the trailer has as ominous shot reverse shot of the corridor, where one miniute thecorridors are empty, and the next lily appears. This is used the mirror different time slots in the past, which builds up to the break in equilibrium and signifies her escape. However the long shot doesn’t reveal the actually character, so therefore it is still anonymous.
Montage of shots- towards the end of the trailer, which is a number of action shots which is parallel to the quick cuts creates panic and portrays the break in equilibrium as it is easily regoniseable due to the different types of shots.

Village, hospital, corridors, asylum, corn field, the bedroom, basement.
Village-  used for its rural look but with the sense of a safe community, however the break in thios idea comes when the patients take over the village, and use it as their own place to “play” it is used as a game for them, due to their psychosis, where they can manipulate their surroundings and use the villager’s to hide their true identities, and so by finding this small village they were able to conquer this easily. It is also effective in portraying isolation and creates a sense of unease, due to this.
Hospital- We have used the inside of a hospital to signify a mental asylum. The sanitary bareness of the corridors is effective in portraying this. Refer back to style.
Bedroom- used to create a familiar and safe environment, but is manipulated by the contrast in which we use the bedroom in the trailer. The action in the scene  isn’t conventional of a typical bedroom scene, aswell as the fact that a female character is the one attacking the man which breaks the stereotype of a weak woman.
Cornfield- acts as a maze in which the characters get both physically and mentally lost in,for example marks character breaks down in the cornfield, and charlotte gets physically dragged into the cornfield.
Basement- used to emphasis the break in marks personality, as this is where he first begins to talk to a physical copy of himself that he has imagined.

Thursday 14 November 2013

Additional shots.

As a group, we have decided that we may need a few more shots in our trailer in order for it to be a realistic time. We have considered various different ones, including ones where at the start, the character of lily is shown looking distraught in her room, lighting a match several times and blowing it out- indicating its a game to her and she has something to do with the fire. We have then decided it may cut to various close ups of disturbing drawings scattered along the floor which she has made, including escape routes.

Story boards.

These are the proposed storyboards for our trailer. We have approximately 54 shots that are to be filmed and used in the trailer, not including intertitles and credits. As expected, these are the visual shots for every moment in the trailer plot which we feel express enough of the story whilst still maintaining interest and intrigue for the target audience appeal.

Wednesday 13 November 2013

multiple personality disorder- how this is portrayed in our media film trailer.

Multiple personality disorder is characterized by at least two distinct and relatively enduring identities or dissociated personality states that alternately control a person's behaviour, and is accompanied by memory impairment for important information not explained by ordinary forgetfulness.
An example of a horror/ thriller where the main protagonist or antagonist has multiple personality disorder is The Ward. The main character, Kristin, experiences attacks from a monstrous almost zombie like ghost, which kills off most of the other characters, however it is later revealed that the ghost and the other girls aren’t real. In order to survive her past torture, she had created different personalities, including Kristin. In fact we also find out that her real name is Alice, the girl who we are led to believe is the ghost. Alice's own personality became so overwhelmed by that of the others that she became lost. Through experimental techniques, Dr. Stringer had the zombie "Alice" killing the other personalities one by one until only her original personality remained.
For our trailer, we want to portray someone who has multiple personality disorder but doesnt realise, so instead of being mad  just sees glimpses of his other personalities who try to warn him of this. The idea of multiple personality disorder-for me- was influenced by the analysis of the trailer "Hide and seek" where Emilys dad is infact her make believe friend charlie, but doesnt realise this- a very similar character to one in our trailer.

Edited images.

The images edited are a few from the recent photoshoot, which have been edited to reflect on the theme of the scenes (The Past) to help create a visual difference between the action later on in the trailer. The idea of Sepia being used to also create the idea of this section of our trailer being in the past. The importance of these images shows Lilly and focuses on her as well as her mental state and isolation around her. The bare corridor is useful in showing this, as it portrays a clinical environment, with its emptiness giving an eerie feeling. To create the effects shown in the photos, we used Adobe Photoshop to create different contrasts to the images and by using different layers creating a sinister images similar to that of The Ward and other horror films, to make it seem more realistic.

Before and after

This is a before and after shot of my
Makeup. I back combed my hair to make it look messy and to reflect the character I  am playing, which is a disturbed mental patient- who doesn't care about appearance. The idea is to make the character of "lily" look psychotic and ill, which we attempted with the bags under the eyes and pale face makeup. We borrowed some blue scrubs from Nevill hall hospital, which is similar the attire of a patient at a mental asylum. 

Photo shoot for first few shots.

here are the images taken for the first few shots our animatic, where we have chosen the specific location of a hospital to reflect the idea of a mental assylum, where the character lily is mainly seen.