Thursday 23 January 2014

empire film analysis 2

main image- 3 different characters from different films- all of the same genre (action.)  Robin Hood seems to be the main focus as he is in the middle. They are all also dressed in character.

Main tagline-
the name of each film (which happens to be the name of each character) is placed infront of each of them. However, "robin hood" in a a much bigger font, and is in plain white infront of him, also indicating the main focus is on him. "iron man 2" and "prince of persia" are also infront of their characters and in a smaller font. They are also in red with a white background. underneath the names, the tagline reads in a white font "three world- beating on set exclusives!" in white. I think the white is used because robin hood is in white, to signify its importance. there are 13 words in the main tagline.

The barcode is just up from the bottom left hand corner, so it doesn't obstruct the image. the price and date is conventionally in the "m" of Empire. The dominant colours in this edition are red, white and yellow.

There is one additional coverline reading "summer starts here" with a yellow background. There is also a splash advertising "lord of the rings blu-ray special" with the image of the "ring" as a boarder around the advertisement.
There is a footer and a header. The "lord of the rings" splash leads off the footer, and the fact they have chosen to advertise this in this way suggests it is the most important or focused on.
The header advertises this issue as " Explosive Blockbuster Issue" in white.

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