Thursday 8 May 2014

final draft of film magazine.

From my first draft, i have added various other taglines, such as an "oscars special" and "movie of the month". I tried to be as conventional as possible, making use of banners, a splash and other taglines advertising films.
I created a "plus" section as this is a common convention i found in empire magazine. I changed the image, and i believe it is far stronger than before, as it is an image of the character Lily with blood and skin dripping off her face.

I positioned the title "defaced" underneath the dripping of the blood on the face, as we edited blood dripping onto the title. It looks as though the blood is continuing to drip down the page onto the title, which is what i wanted to achieve.

 I chose to use a character as a main image rather than the actor as I thought that it would be more easily recognisable to the reader, especially with her skin peeling and blood on her face.

I chose to use a "plus" section to distiguish different areas of the taglines. I featured other genres in the taglines such as super heroes, to make it clear that it is a film magazine that engages in all genres, not just horror.

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